Friday, September 21, 2012

A Witches Ring, A Magickal Tool of the Trade

I once had a Witches Ring of Sterling Silver with a beautiful amethyst setting. This ring was gorgeous, it had a very old world look to it and I quickly made it my Witches Ring. Well, one day my Witches Ring disappeared. Gone. Disappeared without a trace! My Witches heart was broken.
I looked everywhere for this ring to no avail, and let me tell you that 5 years later I still miss that ring! Crazy I know but the reason I tell you this is that in addition to blessing and charging your ring, make sure to also enchant it with some special words on how it will only be worn by you until the time you deem appropriate to pass it on. I had not taken this important precaution with my own ring and I paid for it. I have decided that the time has come for me to find a replacement for my Witches Ring. My hunt begins for the perfect magickal tool to wear as a daily reminder of who I am, what I stand for and to empower me with it’s magick.
Wish me luck!
A Witches Ring is a special magickal tool a Witch wears to empower both herself and her magick. You could have a Witches Ring that is worn daily or one that is worn during spells and rituals. A Witches Ring can be created to aid with empowerment, protection, divination, meditation, astral travel, love, or any intent you wish to create it for. Silver jewelry represents the Goddess while gold represents the God. When choosing a Witches Ring you should choose a ring that appeals to your magickal sense, it is also helpful if the piece itself has a special crystal or symbol geared towards the intent you are choosing it for. A Witches Ring of Amethyst and Silver for example would be perfect for protection, healing, meditation and gaining wisdom however when charging and blessing your ring you could instill your ring with whatever intent you choose.  
Another nice choice for a Witches Ring would be what is known as a “Poison Ring”. Poison Rings originated in the Far East and India and replaced the practice of wearing keepsakes and other items in pouches around the neck. The wearing of vessel rings was so practical that it spread to other parts of Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean before reaching Western Europe in the middle ages.  During the Renaissance poison rings became popular among the European aristocracy. Like lockets they were given as love tokens and used to store images of loved ones, locks of hair and other cherished keepsakes. Perhaps the most morbid use of poison rings arose during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Jewelers started making coffin shaped locket rings
complete with skeletons and images of Death. Called funeral rings, they were given to mourners as a memento of the departed.
Poison Rings have little compartments making them a really nice choice for a Witches Ring. They come in a variety of styles with magickal symbols, crystals, and talismans on the top. The compartment is perfect for placing small magickal objects like miniature spell scrolls, herbs, crystals and herbal blends.

A Witches Ring is a special magickal tool for every Witch, it carries her energy, love, power and magick within its sacred circle. Only the Witch herself should ever wear her special rings however you do not have to be a Witch to create a special ring for yourself. I have included instructions on how to empower your ring making it easy for both the novice and the experienced craft practitioner to create one.

To Enchant a Witches Ring
Choose a ring that appeals to you. To perform the enchantment you will need the following:
Ring of your choosing
Red Votive or Spell Candle
Moon Water
Rose Water
Vessel to hold Rose Water
Sea Salt
Vessel to hold Sea Salt
Empowering Incense
Fire Proof Vessel to hold Incense
Empowering Herbal Blend
Vessel to hold Herbal Blend
(At The Organic Brew I offer an Empowering Incense and Empowering Herbal Blend for Witches called “Aradia’s Empowerment” which would be perfect for this type of ritual)
Clean soft cloth
Personal Fragrance or Essential Oil

Cast your circle according to your magickal tradition. Set up your spell items in the middle of your circle. Light your spell candle and incense. Ground and center yourself and prepare yourself mentally for magickal workings.
Now take a cloth soaked in Rose Water and clean the ring making sure to get in all crevices, a q-tip would be perfect for this.
Dry your ring with a clean soft white cloth.
Now you will consecrate your ring to the four elements.
Place your ring in the sea salt making sure to cover the whole piece and say:
“I consecrate thee by the power of Earth”
Pass your ring through the incense smoke three times saying:
“I consecrate thee by the power of Air”
Pass your ring right above the flame of your candle and say:
“I consecrate thee by the power of Fire”
Place your ring in the moon water so it is completely submerged and say:
“I consecrate thee by the power of Water”
Dry your ring with the white cloth.
Take your personal fragrance and anoint your ring.
Hold your ring so that it rests in the palms of both hands and raise them to the moon and say:
I dedicate, consecrate, and enchant this ring to be a ring of Witchery unto me with the powers of the Goddess three, the Lady of all Witchery, and as my word so mote it be.”
“Simple circlet round
In thee magick to be bound
Sun and Moon enchant this ring
More than just a pretty thing
Lend your energy to me
For good of all, so mote it be.
Wrap the ring in a cloth of purple if possible. If you do not have a purple cloth use white. Allow your ring to charge in the light of the full moon for three consecutive nights, three hours each evening. This should be done the day before, the day of, and the day after the full moon.
Wear the ring whenever you are in a ritual setting, when you feel the need for protection or make it a ring to be worn daily! On the night of each Full Moon thereafter, anoint the ring with your chosen fragrance and raise it to the Moon asking for blessings in the name of the Goddess. You now have your own magickal Witches Ring! Enjoy your new magickal tool and make sure to treat it with care. None should wear your ring but you alone.
Please note that Witches Rings can be enchanted for a variety of intents like romance, marriage proposal, business success, protection, self confidence and so much more.
You can use the above steps and just alter the ingredients to suit your intent.
For example if you are going to enchant a ring for protection, use a protective herbal blend, a protective incense and change the chant accordingly. Instead of using Rose Water I would use Moon Water instilled with protective oils like clove. If possible choose a ring that has a stone that will also aid with your magickal intent, for protection perhaps a stone of onyx or obsidian. Then use a protective chant to empower the ring. When not wearing this special piece keep it wrapped in a clean soft cloth.
I hope you have enjoyed this latest addition to The Organic Brew’s Blog! Wishing everyone a magickal evening.


  1. Thank you for all the information and wonderful story. You have helped me immensely. Blessed be~;~

  2. I have this exact ring but damaged the stone. do you know where I can purchase this? please email me info! love it and want it replaced

  3. Hi there where could I get one of these rings really loveing it if you could get back to me
